10 Bad Habits of EV Drivers: How Many Do You Have?

10 Bad Habits of EV Drivers: How Many Do You Have?

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the way we approach driving, blending innovation with sustainability. As an EV owner myself, I've observed that driving an EV introduces new habits and responsibilities, different from those associated with traditional vehicles. It's a learning curve, sure, but one that promises a greener, more efficient future. However, amidst the excitement, it's easy to fall into certain bad habits that can diminish your EV's performance and its battery lifespan. Identifying and correcting these habits can significantly enhance your driving experience and the longevity of your vehicle.


Keeping engaged with the topic is essential for all EV owners and enthusiasts. By staying informed and adjusting our habits, we can ensure our EVs operate at their peak performance, while also contributing to a more sustainable world. Let's embark on this journey together to make the most out of our electric vehicles.

Ignoring the Battery's Optimal Charging Range

Electric vehicle batteries thrive when maintained within a certain charge range, typically between 20% and 80%. Charging beyond this, especially to 100%, or allowing the battery to drop too low too often can accelerate battery degradation. This is because extreme states of charge put additional stress on the battery cells, shortening their useful life. To combat this, I use scheduled charging features to ensure my vehicle only charges within this optimal range, especially overnight.

Rapid Charging When Not Necessary

Rapid charging is a convenient solution for long-distance travel, providing a quick boost to your battery's state of charge. However, frequent use can heat and stress the battery, leading to premature wear. I've learned to use rapid chargers sparingly, treating them as a tool for occasional use rather than a regular charging solution. This practice helps in preserving my battery's health over time.

Overloading the EV

Every additional pound carried in an EV demands more energy from the battery, reducing the overall range. I've noticed that by being mindful of the load, avoiding carrying unnecessary items, and optimizing my vehicle's weight, I can significantly improve my EV's efficiency. It's a simple yet effective way to ensure I get the most out of each charge.

Neglecting Tire Maintenance

Tire pressure directly influences an EV's range and energy consumption. Under-inflated tires increase rolling resistance, requiring more energy to move the vehicle. By regularly checking and maintaining the correct tire pressure, I've maximized my EV's range and reduced energy use. Additionally, keeping an eye on tire wear ensures that I'm always driving safely and efficiently.

Habitual Hard Acceleration and Braking

EVs are known for their instant torque and quick acceleration, which can be tempting to exploit. However, habitual hard acceleration and braking not only reduce range but also contribute to faster wear of the vehicle's components. I've learned to appreciate the smooth, steady power of my EV, utilizing regenerative braking to its fullest to recover energy and extend my drives.

Not Utilizing Eco Mode

Many EVs come equipped with an Eco Mode that optimizes energy use, focusing on increasing range and efficiency. Initially, I overlooked this feature, but I've since discovered its benefits, especially on longer journeys or when trying to conserve battery life. Activating Eco Mode helps in moderating energy consumption, ensuring that I can travel further on a single charge.

Ignoring Software Updates

EVs, much like modern smartphones, receive software updates that can improve various aspects of the vehicle, including battery management, efficiency, and even driving characteristics. Skipping these updates means missing out on potential improvements. By ensuring my EV is always up-to-date, I've enjoyed enhancements in performance and even discovered new features that make driving more enjoyable.

Lack of Preconditioning in Extreme Weather

Batteries are sensitive to temperature extremes, with both cold and hot weather impacting their efficiency and range. Preconditioning the vehicle to bring the battery to an optimal temperature before starting a trip can significantly improve performance. I've made it a habit to precondition my EV, especially during extreme weather, ensuring that the battery operates within its ideal temperature range, thus maximizing efficiency and comfort.

Assuming EVs Don't Require Maintenance

A common misconception about EVs is that they require little to no maintenance compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. While it's true that EVs have fewer moving parts and don't need oil changes, this doesn't mean they're maintenance-free. Every EV requires regular checks and servicing to ensure its electrical systems, battery health, brakes, tires, and other components are in optimal condition. Ignoring regular maintenance can lead to decreased performance, reduced range, and potentially costly repairs down the line.

Long-Term Parking Without Use

Leaving an EV parked for an extended period without use can negatively affect the battery and other vehicle components. A battery left at either a very high or very low state of charge for too long can suffer from degradation, reducing its overall capacity and lifespan. To mitigate this, it's advisable to leave the battery charged to approximately 50-60% if you plan to not use your EV for an extended period.


By addressing these habits, we not only improve our EV experience but also contribute to a sustainable future by ensuring our vehicles operate efficiently and last longer. It's about making small changes that have a big impact, both on our driving pleasure and on the environment.


Here, I am excited to share my experience with OrientRise's range of electric vehicle charging solutions.


Orientrise's chargers boast powerful features that cater to the modern EV owner's needs. With the ability to operate remotely, you can start, stop, and schedule your charging sessions with just a few taps on your smartphone, ensuring your EV is charged and ready to go whenever you need it. The flexibility to adjust the charging current allows you to optimize the charging process based on your current needs and available infrastructure, making it a smart choice for any EV owner looking for efficiency and convenience.


Moreover, Smart charging solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly into your lifestyle, providing a smarter, more intuitive charging experience. Whether you're at home or on the go, Orientrise ensures your EV charging is as effortless as it is efficient.


If you're interested in elevating your EV charging experience with Orientrise's innovative solutions, I encourage you to visit website at www.ev-orientrise.com.


Remember, the journey to optimal EV ownership is continuous. Sharing experiences and tips can help us all learn and grow. Let's keep the conversation going, driving forward with confidence and care for our planet.


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